Use These Verbs To Make Your CV Shine

Use These Verbs To Make Your CV Shine

Writing a CV is always a challenge, whether you’re applying for event jobs or a high-flying management role. But now one organisation has done some research into which words could help you land the job you want.

According to StandOutCV, there are 13 verbs that employers from every sector want to see on CVs.

They include managed, developed, analysed, trained and presented. In fact, 92% of the employers surveyed said that managed was an important verb to include somewhere on a CV.

But this doesn’t mean you need to have worked in management to fit it in – you could relate it to your time management skills or your ability to manage specific processes.

Also on the list was improved, but StandOutCV was quick to point out that if you’re going to claim to have improved something in a previous job, make sure you also include a tangible example of how you made any improvements.

Staff who want to work at events and festivals might want to think about how to incorporate verbs like delivered and supported into their CVs. Delivering all the elements of an event, especially on a large scale, can be challenging and requires everyone to pull their weight, while being able to show that you can support an event organiser will stand you in good stead.

And with figures showing that more people were made redundant between June and August compared to the previous three months, the need to get your CV in order could be even more pressing.

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