New Starter Form

  • Personal Details

  • Please enter your first name.
  • Please enter your surname.
  • Please enter your date of birth.
  • Please select your Gender.
  • Please enter your postcode in the same format as the example shown in the box below without any spaces and please use capital letters where letters are required.
  • Please enter your mobile telephone number. Please do not enter 44 at the start of the field i.e. it must be entered in the following format: 07777 111111.
  • Bank Details

  • Bank Details

    Your personal information will be sent securely to Newthorn. We will not retain your personal information for longer than is necessary for the maintenance of your account, or for legal or regulatory requirements. All reasonable steps are taken by Newthorn to protect a customer's personal information. Newthorn uses secure socket layer (SSL) encryption for its forms and payment details that are transmitted using the Internet. SSL encrypts web communication, allowing us to take credit card orders and protect sensitive personal information. SSL security makes eavesdropping on secure web traffic almost impossible.

    Bank details may be given after employment has commenced, however, Newthorn accept no responsibility for late payments if details are not received in time to process Payroll.

  • Please enter the name of your Bank.
  • Please enter the Town or City where your Bank is located.
  • Please enter the Sort Code of the Account.
  • Please enter the number of the Account.
  • Please enter the Account Holder's Name.
  • Please enter your National Insurance Number. Please enter your National Insurance Number. It should be entered in the same format as the example shows using capital letters where letters are required.
  • Please select your marital status.
  • P46 Statement

  • Read all the following statements carefully and tick box that applies to you.
  • Newthorn Events Ltd, will never share your details for marketing purposes: We will only share your personal data with Clients/Events that you have been assigned to: We may, when required, share your name, address, telephone number and passport / birth certificate number with the event you are working at accreditation office for security vetting only. The only exception to the above will be HMRC / Pension Providers or other authorities, when we believe in good faith that the law or other regulation requires us to share this data Your details will be held on our secure system which holds an SSL Certificate for 2 years before being deleted. Should you wish to review or have these removed, please contact the office.

  • The Sub-Contractor’s relationship to the Company is that of an independent contractor and shall have the status of a self-employed person and shall be responsible for all Income Tax and National Insurance Contributions or similar taxes or contributions in respect of the consideration payable and the Sub-Contractor shall indemnify the Company in respect of any claims that may be made by the relevant authorities against the Company in respect of Income Tax or National Insurance Contributions or similar taxes or contributions, including interest and penalties and any legal costs and fees incurred by the Company, relating to the Services supplied by the Sub-Contractor.
  • I the Sub-Contractor have current arrangements in place and shall be responsible for his own expenses and Value Added Tax.
  • Nothing in the Agreement shall be deemed to create any partnership, joint venture or employment relationship between the Parties to the Agreement.