73% Of Young Festival-Goers ‘Don’t Think Insurance Is Necessary’

73% Of Young Festival-Goers ‘Don’t Think Insurance Is Necessary’

The majority of people go to festivals to have a good time and nothing more but you’d be naive to think that crime doesn’t take place at such events. It’s certainly not unheard of for personal belongings to be taken from tents while festival-goers are out in the arena enjoying their favourite bands – but you can still protect yourself if you’re savvy about it all.

New research from comparethemarket.com has found that 73 per cent of people aged between 18 and 24 don’t think they need to insure their gadgets, with more than 50 per cent put off by the cost of doing so. In all, just 14 per cent insure their tablets and just a fifth take out cover for their smartphones.

Those who do have insurance in place would be wise to check over their policies before they head off to their festivals this year. It may well be that if your possessions are taken from your tent, a lot of insurers won’t pay out if you make a claim on your home contents insurance. Because tents are basically impossible to properly secure, unlike a house, items taken from said tent probably won’t be covered.

Head of home insurance at the price comparison site Compare The Market, Gemma Sonfield said: “Whilst Glastonbury and other festivals are generally peaceful affairs, crimes do occur and it’s worth making sure that people don’t come back on a ‘Blue Monday’, out of pocket, having had their valuables stolen or lost.”

Last year, Avon and Somerset Police revealed that Glastonbury 2015 saw 168 offences of theft and handling. In all, 124 incidents were recorded where the stolen property in question was a gadget such as a mobile phone, camera, mp3 player, satnav, tablet, laptop or personal stereo. A total of 104 of these cases related to mobile phones.

Are you looking for festival work at the moment? Come and see us at Newthorn Events to see how we can help get you your next job.

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